martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008



ezPower Restaurant Point of Sales is a new generation of restaurant management software. Use with a Touch screen, scanner, keyboard or mouse. Track sales, waiters, cashiers, Inventory and customers. A complete solution with reservations, taking orders, billing, tax reports, Split Payments, Split Tables and print ticket to Register, food to kitchen, drinks to Bar (5 locations). Also features: one-button sales totals and reports, on-the-fly inventory entry, password security, inventory control, mailing lists, packing slips, automatic sale discounts. Import and export products, customers list and sales information. Available for single-station and networks. The program supports USA, UK, Canada and Australian tax methods.
On 2007-10-19 we have tested the ezPower Restaurant Point of Sale 9.0. The results of our tests show that ezPower Restaurant Point of Sale 9.0 is free of ad-ware, spyware and viruses , easy to use and with no threats at all.

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